Friday, November 29, 2019

John Rowans Sub-Personalities Essay Example

John Rowans Sub-Personalities Essay After viewing the Art of Mediation DVD, identify the John Rowan’s sub-personalities from your Reading Assignment for each disputant (Ann and Liz) and explain why you chose the particular sub-personality for each of the disputants. You are permitted to choose more than one sub-personality for each disputant. In addition, select your most predominant sub personality then provide a paragraph about how you believe this will influence your mediation style. Ann-I believe initially before mediation she was The Exploder-she shouted back numerous times no matter the consequence and had a strong energy of frustration.She also was The Please-she wanted everyone to get along and maintain happiness in the business. She was The Hurt Child-her feelings were hurt when her life long friend wanted to end the business without her input. After mediation she became The Warrior/Leader-willing to find a solution to save her passion the business as well as her friendship. Liz-She was definitely The E xploder-she on many occasions just let her emotions out with total disregard. She was also unpredictable and was capable of blowing up at any time. Sometimes she was downright frightening with her actions too.She was a bit The Moaner-numerous times being self righteous and complaining about everything as well as initially not interested in solutions. She was also The Hurt Child-storming out initially in the beginning when Ann was expressing her feelings. Seemed to be very unreasonable in the beginning as well as into the mediation process. After mediation she too became The Warrior/Leader-she had a wider perspective when she communicated with Ann. She was willing to support their new idea for the business as well as maintain her friendship with Ann.I think the sub personality that I attribute myself to is The Warrior/Leader. I believe this suits my personality and I would use in my business practice as well. I am productive, organized, and grounded which would be suitable for my sty le in mediation. I am a strategist and goal setter who always seek solutions in a sensible and rationale and fair way. I think this sub personality is beneficial in my practice as to answer what is mediation all about? Coming together to find sound solutions for people who are in conflict.. 2.Read the below case study then review Harris’s life positions from your Reading Assignment. Identify which life position each character in the case study displays with a full explanation for such selection. 1. Im Not OK, Youre Not OK-position of futility, no way out, everyone is wrong, everyone is damned. 2. Im Not OK, Youre OK-there is something wrong with me, I do not deserve to be treated with respect and consideration, I will be motivated to get away from you, I will accept unachievable targets, take time off, drink too much, resign or self harm. . Im OK, Youre Not OK-there is something wrong with you, I do not need to treat you with respect or consideration. 4. Im OK, Youre OK-I am a valuable human being, I deserve respect and consideration and so do you, I am motivated to get along with you and I will go for what is right and fair for us both. Johnson Rice-Im OK, Youre OK. Johnson has always been a team player with a high work ethic and hoped to recruit those with the same mindset. He would often work late hours and weekends without pay to keep his new venture going.Verily Masters-Im OK, Youre Not OK.. began to make a regular habit of belittling the other partners with her constant bragging about how her credentials as a nurse and her MBA made her the most valuable part of the business. Further she would constantly threaten the other partners that she would start her own business and get paid $300,000 per year without having to teach them all she knew about nursing. Perry Klein-Im Not OK, Youre Not OK.. Perry also believed that he could take the same business idea back to his hometown where he would thrive.Perry believed that his superior sales skills were th e cause for the company’s growing success and he was convinced that he did not need either Johnson or Verily anymore. Perry was also having pains of missing his family. Perrys wife-Im Not OK, Youre OK. was threatening divorce if he could not give her a date and time for his return to the family home. This involved Perry spending countless working hours on the telephone and on elongated vacations during working hours. 3. Read the case study below then review Tuckman’s team development model. Identify and explain each stage of Tuckman’s model as it relates to this scenario.Be very specific. Johnson Rice set up a home health aide business in the basement of his family home. At first the business was relatively small but as it began to grow he realized the need for additional employees. Johnson has always been a team player with a high work ethic and hoped to recruit those with the same mindset. He would often work late hours and weekends without pay to keep his new venture going. Forming-New company just starting out. Verily Masters, a 39 year old woman, with whom Johnson had a dating relationship with many years prior but they remained friends after their breakup in high school.Johnson admired Verily for her background in nursing and her ability to articulate her position to outside referral agencies so Johnson asked Verily if she would consider a partnership to combine their talents. Johnson realized that Verily possessed skills where he had deficits. Verily accepted with joy, since she had just been fired from her last position, for reasons unknown to Johnson. Forming- Gathering information and impressions about each other, and about the scope of the task and how to approach it to benefit the business.Perry Klein, Johnson’s cousin, was the next person that Johnson approached to become the final member of the partnership. Perry lived 1,500 miles away with his wife and children but agreed to relocate to be part of the business venture . Neither Perry’s wife nor children joined him when he relocated for this business venture. Johnson had approached Perry for his sales skills and his ability to connect to community organizations. Forming- Gathering information and impressions about each other, and about the scope of the task and how to approach it to benefit the business. Soon the company began to grow quite rapidly.The headquarters of the company moved from the basement of Johnson’s home to an affluent neighborhood in the suburbs with an operation of more than 100 employees. At first the working relationship among the three partners seemed to go rather smoothly. Johnson continued to work 12 hour days while both Perry and Verily worked 4-6 hour days. As the company began to grow each partner enjoyed a six figure income of $100,000 each. Performing- This is the phase where team members start to come together, developing processes, establishing ground rules, clarifying who does what, and how things will be done.The company is growing as the employees are doing whats needed for the company to succeed. The group seems comfortable within themselves. Lot more independent. About 6 months into the partnership, the honeymoon phase of this partnership ended. Verily began to make a regular habit of belittling the other partners with her constant bragging about how her credentials as a nurse and her MBA made her the most valuable part of the business. Further she would constantly threaten the other partners that she would start her own business and get paid $300,000 per year without having to teach them all she knew about nursing.Storming- Cliques and factions form and there may be power struggles. The team needs to be focused on its goals to avoid becoming distracted by relationships and emotional issues. Once team members begin to familiarize themselves with other personalities in the group, initial power struggles and protective, work practices can begin to get in the way of smooth, effe ctive workflow. Perry was also having pains of missing his family. Perry’s wife was threatening divorce if he could not give her a date and time for his return to the family home.This involved Perry spending countless working hours on the telephone and on elongated vacations during working hours. Perry also believed that he could take the same business idea back to his hometown where he would thrive. Perry believed that his superior sales skills were the cause for the company’s growing success and he was convinced that he did not need either Johnson or Verily anymore. Forming- Individual behavior is driven by a desire to be accepted by the others, and avoid controversy or conflict. Serious issues and feelings are avoided, and people focus on being busy with routines.Johnson was aware of mediation and just wanted everyone to get along. He had learned mediation through a meeting he attended at his local community center. He told the other partners about the process and t hey thought that Johnson was trying to thwart them from the business and became very suspicious. At first they all rejected the notion, until participating in a free consultation with the local mediator. All parties then agreed to participate in mediation as a way to resolve their issues and preserve the friendship/family relationships and heal their business relationship.Storming- Cliques and factions form and there may be power struggles. The team needs to be focused on its goals to avoid becoming distracted by relationships and emotional issues. Once team members begin to familiarize themselves with other personalities in the group, initial power struggles and protective, work practices can begin to get in the way of smooth, effective workflow. The first session was very long as the parties took much time to tell their story from their prospective. The parties soon realized during mediation that policy and procedures, job descriptions, and party expectations had never been memori alized.Therefore all of this as done using the mediation process which resulted in four 3 hour sessions. The parties mediated an effective action plan. Norming- The group become established, and the scope of the groups tasks or responsibilities are clear and agreed. Having had their arguments, they now understand each other better, and can appreciate each others skills and experience. Individuals listen to each other, appreciate and support each other, and are prepared to change their views.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free sample - Descartes Proofs of GodDeception and Error. translation missing

Descartes Proofs of GodDeception and Error. Descartes Proofs of GodDeception and ErrorFrom the beginning of the third meditation, Descartes seeks to establish the existence of god using his initial concept of self awareness. Descartes argued that because he thought, then he lived. Thinking ability at this time was linked to being alive and thought that there must be a god who puts the thoughts in his mind. In his quest for indubitable truth, Descartes came up with the theory of ideas, which classified those things that he considered distinct and clear to be true. Descartes argued that the idea of god should be coming from within him since he cannot experience god himself directly or find any perfection in himself. Firstly, Descartes in the third meditation sets out to prove that God does indeed exist. To begin with, he considered that the source of an idea must be as real as the idea itself.   He thought that since his idea of god had overwhelmingly unlimited content, then the one who caused the idea must be infinite and that it must be god, and thus asserted that what is more perfect cannot arise from what is imperfect.   In his conclusion, Descartes says that god is a substance that is omnipotent, omniscient, independent and infinite. He argued that if the objective reality of an idea could not come from him, then it could have come from something else. The basis for the arguments he put forward lies in the origin of these ideas.   He claimed that the ideas were suggestive that they did not come from inside him, making him to conclude that they must have come from god and therefore, God exists. Secondly, to come up with the second proof of Gods existence, Descartes thought that the power and action that is needed to preserve something is capable of creating something new. He argued that there must be as much power in the cause just as it is in the effect. According to the philosophical writings of Descartes, upon knowing that he did not have power to preserve his own existence because he was just a thinking thing; Descartes concluded that the power must have come from outside him (Descartes, Cottingham and Murdoch 26) And since he is a thinking thing, he claims that the one who created him must also be a thinking thing, possessing all the ideas and attributes of god. In addition, he observed that his parents could not be responsible for creating and preserving his life. Descartes therefore concludes that the one who created him and gave him ideas of a perfect God must be God, therefore God exists. The difference between the two proofs is that the first proof is based on the premise of objective reality and the consideration that the source of an idea must be as real as the content of the idea itself. The second prove is based on causality; that the power and action that preserves lives is capable of creating something new. Both of these proofs of God’s existence are not convincing since they are founded on arguments that can be challenged. The method used by Descartes to come up with the reality he termed as objective reality is not clear.   The proof based on causality has been criticized as being circular (Doney Willis, 2010). This means that it is not possible to claim   that one is proving the existence of God, yet that person is using knowledge he terms as distinct and clear from God to know that God. Descartes claimed to perceive some things distinctly and clearly on the grounds of God’s existence. In addition, the argument that Descartes fronts that to be alive is to be perfect is not true since it will mean then that we are either perfect as humans, or God is also imperfect. Descartes required two proofs of the existence of God so as to appeal both to the religious beliefs of the church during his time as well as a scientific proof of god’s existence in order to appeal to fellow contemporary scientists. These were the two categories of people in Descartes’ society who formed the popular opinions and criticized every new development. Descartes wanted an idea that could be generally accepted by the society. The two proof worked well for Descartes since from his time until today, his ideas are still being used and referred to both in religion and in the scientific fields. In the fourth meditation it is indicated that an error is a moral failing that can be committed when one willfully exercise the powers of believe in excess of their ability to perceive truth. According to Descartes, the ideas, also called judgments can either be true or false, because it is simply about making judgment that likens to the things that are accepted or denied (Descartes, Cottingham and Murdoch 88).   Therefore, if one affirms that an idea corresponds to a thing itself, yet it does not, then an error is said to have occurred.   ‘I do make mistakes by misusing my free will to assent on occasions that my understanding does not have a clear and distinct ideas’   the open influence by God on our thoughts, personal misuse and evil demon renders the account on human error unsatisfactory. The argument that all that thinks is perfect implies that God is also imperfect. In conclusion, the arguments that Descartes presents have several weaknesses that are subject to challenge, for example the fact that one of which is the circular nature of the causality proof.   Doubting of senses and thoughts is also evident in the meditations, indicating that the arguments may not be credible. The imperfect beings arising from the perfect and the god perfect being in the imperfect man invalidates the argument. Descartes, R, Murdoch, D. Cottingham, and J.   Descartes: selected philosophical writings Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Descartes, R, Murdoch, D. Cottingham, J.The philosophical writings of Descartes, Volume 2. Reprint. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Care of Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Care of Cancer - Essay Example Oncologists or physicians perform tests to verify the diagnosis of cancer. However, more tests are recommended by a doctor to find out more on the cancer. This is because most tests are vogue and cannot be relied on for treatment. Additionally, there are types of cancer that are hard to classify. Lymphomas is one of the types cancer that require more than one test to ascertain its existence on the body. Combination of thorough test and evaluation of the patient history of symptoms provides a clear analysis for confirmation of presence or absence of cancer. Additionally, clear and effective diagnosis provides steps of monitoring the disorder and the rightful treatment for the diseases. The most common diagnostic methods of cancer are; biopsy, x-rays, endoscopy, diagnostic imaging and the blood test. According to Regnard and Kindlen (2002), biopsy is one of the diagnostic methods for cancer and it is done by surgically removing the tissue sample and put under microscopic test. The process involves either a short needle or a longer needle with the help of scan guidance such as CT scan or ultrasound. Diagnostic imaging is a technique used to provide internal image of the body. There are various processes performed under diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays, CT scans, positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). X-rays is the most common method used for screening lung and breast cancer. The method is effective in determining the spread of cancer to bones. CT and MRI scans are mainly used to ascertain the level of tumour and the results of treatment. The images produced during CT scans are analysed using a computer to produce images with a high number of tissues. However, MRI produces more detailed images than both CT and X-ray. Ultrasound is another diagnostic imaging for cancer. The aspects of ultrasound are not good like CT and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Operations Management of Z Mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Operations Management of Z Mart - Essay Example Due to financial constraints, hiring extra staff to man counters is not possible. This case study will try to highlight potential areas of improvement in the management and organization of Z Mart to avoid late handling and bad customer experiences. Â  It is easier to visualize the problem if one considers the layout of the shop. The main entrance and exit have counters that bill customers for all their merchandise before they exit the shop. The billing section for electronic goods is at a distance from where the (Customer Service Managers) CSMs are stationed which partly accounts for the delay in handling customers payments. Â  On the basis of the manager’s notes, the current situation can be described as a busy discount store with a steady flow of customers and with 14 counters from where billing can be done. The electronics department is removed from the billing counters at the main entrance and has a couple of counters to bill goods bought at the electronics section. There are two customer service managers per shift. Any checks above $100 need to be cleared by them. This causes a problem as the process of checking out the customers is slow and there is an unnecessary glut of impatient customers queuing at the electronics counters. Â  The situation analysis needs to consider the current scenario and how the store manager and his team of sales representatives can add value to the Z Mart business and how the manager can make a good impression during his review. In this case study, the manager needs to first identify his areas of concern and plan strategically so that he can enhance efficiency without incurring additional overheads expenditure.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of a Controversy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Rhetorical Analysis of a Controversy - Essay Example In the wake of violence involving guns, the ban on guns is a hot topic nowadays. A lot of people have been killed in college or schools shootings in the recent years. Moreover, other crimes are also happening in the US. Having a gun for self-defense is a constitutional right of citizens of many countries around the world. Same is the case with the US. Every US citizen is allowed in the Constitution to keep an allowed model of gun for self-defense. So this constitutional section is a big bar behind banning general people to have guns. So it might not be possible to ban the possession of guns altogether. However, it is possible to regulate this matter in an intelligent manner, so that no one will be able to misuse guns which are meant to defend rather than to terrorize or kill others. In the recent years, we have seen many incidents around the world where a kid took the gun of his or her parents and shot either a parent or someone else. Although there are many shooting events that have triggered the discussion about banning the guns, the occasions or situations that gave rise to the controversy are the shooting accidents in the recent years. This occasion took lives of many people. In some cases, the shooter himself committed suicide after killing a lot of people. There were plenty of shooting incidents in the year 2014. A large number of precious lives ended due to these shootings. It is not difficult to identify that who is the stakeholder. There is no denying the fact that a person who dies cannot be gained back again.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Social Impact Of Technology Information Technology Essay

Social Impact Of Technology Information Technology Essay From the development of Stone Age to modern technology era, mankind is proving best in invention and innovation of new and latest technology. Technology is a system based on the application of knowledge, manifested in physical object and organization form for attainment of specific goal (Volti, 2006). Advancement in technology has changed the existence of human civilization. Its not only the material benefits are being observed, even analytical thinking and outlook is immensely changed. Directly or indirectly everyone is obsessed to technology. As a fact that every coin has two side advantages disadvantages, this truth is also observed in technology. Does technology going in right way or it will ruin our entire society..? Headway in computer technology proves to be boon for whole humanity. First freely programmable computer was being invented in 1936 by Konrad Zuse (bellis, n.d.) than after great advancement of computer technology was being observed till date resulting in palmtops and micro mini laptops with high capability and storage. Compute is nothing but electronic device to carry out calculation and computation along with program accessibility. Firstly the concept of computer was developed to carry out calculation and in early stage computer was with limited functions and user-friendliness. Before computer was invented many of the human force and time was being consumed to carry out one particular task. It was mechanical calculator which motivated inventor to think over the invention of computer with binary system and storage facility. With the passage of time new and newer innovation toke place and first and foremost computer was being former with giant side almost equal to room along with vacu um tube as their electronic elements (encyclopaedia, n.d.) which advances in 1951, first commercial computer was formed followed by entry of IBM- international business machines in history of computer (bellis, n.d.) than transistor based computer was formed with high speed and cheaper price. Integrated circuit technology and creation of microprocessor changes the total outlook of computer technology. 1st program language was formed in 1954 by John Backus IBM (bellis, n.d.). Along with such development a peak time in the history of computer was being observed by acceptance of personal and home computer. The original internet invention in 1969 followed by invention of networking in 1973 changed the stance of computer and computer industries. This creation made a world a global country. Today application of computer is found in each and every field of society. In other words we can say that society is running on computer and computer application. Every single sector and every individual human activity include use of computer. Now a days computer is being use for banking by which you can make your transaction and maintain record of all banking information on tip of your figure. Education is broadly developed with the application of computer. E-learning, E-Classes and E-teaching are enhanced with on-going technology. One can write more effectively by means of a computer. There are tools like spelling and grammar checker, thesaurus and dictionary, installed in the computer. Thus, it takes less time to proofread a written document and also, there is no need to open up a dictionary book to look for meanings of words. Typing is much faster than writing on a paper. If there is a need for reorganizing the sentences or paragraphs, one can cut and paste and make the necessary changes. Thus, overall a computer allows the user to create documents, edit, print, and store them so that they can be retrieved later Computer prove to be good entertainment device, high graphic games and high definition video quality can be experience with that small manoeuvre. Current affairs and latest happening around the globe can be privileged from one click of computer. One of the remarkable achievements is in the field of communication and education. These fields have found a great diversification with the funding of computer and internet. Some of the impossible works in an organization are now possible with bless of computer, production process become fast and accurate. Intranet made transactions fast and prove to be convenient for work force. Weather forecast and future prediction relating to weather are being done by computer and other supporting equipments. Militaries development, safety of life and less healthy issue are being resulted with use of computer. Study of m icro organization and research work for new invention and innovation with advance modification are now possible. Every means of transportation from roadways to railways along with sae way enrich them self with computer technology for more speedy and safe transportation. Cure for diseases and new medicines are formed after doing calculation of computer. Computer has made us life easy and convenient. Social impact of computer on society is really at positive side. Computer affected commerce and it took it to new end. Now production process is being carried out with the help of computer robotic technology is use and accuracy is experienced along with much utilization of time and man force. Even at job level accountability of work by an individual increases speedy and fast out come and much big calculation are done in fraction of seconds. Production capacity increases and cost of production is decreased to a remarkable point. With online messenger and social website now to communicate with any one in any part of the world is really easy. Prior sending and receiving mails from one place to another was taking half and month but now possibility of live chats are practised and this made a world a small country social community website and group are being formed which give freedom to chat and interact with each other and to understand one another society and culture. Effect on environment of computer is among remarkable note. New innovation is being done for preserving environment and its resources, use of paper is being reduced by E-filling and E-mails. Instrument and computer operated engines are formed to control pollution and whether for casting or climatic is being monitored and observed. With the help of computer best affected fields is medicine, as now some of the serious disease and injuries are cureable with the help of computer technology. Heart transplant, bypass surgery, X-rays, CT scan, different diagnosis, heart rate, pulse rate etc. all is being monitored with help of computer (dhavele, 2010). Nowadays, computers are widely used for education and training purposes. In schools, computer education has been made compulsory to spread awareness about computers. As a matter of fact, computers have become a learning tool for children. Also, there are many universities that provide  online degrees, which is very advantageous for those pe ople staying in the remote areas and for the disabled. In fact,  online education  is one of the most flexible and convenient forms of learning. One can take the benefit of such  online degree programs  staying at home without the need of relocation. Computers are also used for training purposes. Many companies use them to train their staffs. With the help of computer has also become cheaper, quicker, and more efficient. We can now communicate with anyone around the globe by simply text messaging them, or sending them an email, for an almost instantaneous response. The internet has also opened up face-to-face direct communication from different parts of the world, thanks to the help of video-conferencing (majja, n.d.). Computer is such a device which help and human being in each and every field in most possible way. Computer is such a gadget which is being found in every one home now. Some of the data showing current computer application brought out by conduct of American Research Company are 65% of Americans spend more time sitting in front of their PC than with their wives and husbands   84% of them are already addicted to computers,  52% of PC users take their PC system failure as their personal failure; Computer has changed out life of whole society and has created many convenient facility along with bless type technology in our day to day life. With all the positive effect of computer we can say those computers are BOON to whole mankind and to surrounding society! X=X=X

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

I Desire a Masters in Science :: Graduate Admissions Essays

I Desire a Master's in Science    My interest in science dates back to my years in high school, where I excelled in physics, chemistry, and math. When I was a senior, I took a first-year calculus course at a local college (such an advanced-level class was not available in high school) and earned an A. It seemed only logical that I pursue a career in electrical engineering.    When I began my undergraduate career, I had the opportunity to be exposed to the full range of engineering courses, all of which tended to reinforce and solidify my intense interest in engineering. I've also had the opportunity to study a number of subjects in the humanities and they have been both enjoyable and enlightening, providing me with a new and different perspective on the world in which we live.    In the realm of engineering, I have developed a special interest in the field of laser technology and have even been taking a graduate course in quantum electronics. Among the 25 or so students in the course, I am the sole undergraduate. Another particular interest of mine is electromagnetics, and last summer, when I was a technical assistant at a world-famous local lab, I learned about its many practical applications, especially in relation to microstrip and antenna design. Management at this lab was sufficiently impressed with my work to ask that I return when I graduate. Of course, my plans following completion of my current studies are to move directly into graduate work toward my master's in science. After I earn my master's degree, I intend to start work on my Ph.D. in electrical engineering. Later I would like to work in the area of research and development for private industry. It is in R & D that I believe I can make the greatest contribution, utilizing my theoretical backgr ound and creativity as a scientist.

Monday, November 11, 2019

My Son, My Executioner

â€Å"My Son, My Executioner† In the Donald Hall poem,† My Son, My Executioner, â€Å"Hall depicted a father who has grown old, holding their young child in their arms. Hall portrayed strong imagery of a fatherly figure giving up everything to care for his young child. The tone of the poem is both happy and dark. Hall’s theme showed that once a person has a child, the parent’s life is completely changed. â€Å"My Son, My Executioner† is a very well written poem with a deep, true meaning that readers could relate to. The imagery helps Hall depict a father caring for their young child.Hall is first telling the reader that the father is with his child. The child seems to be very young because the father takes the child in his arms. â€Å"I take you in my arms/quiet and small and just astir. † This shows that the father cares a lot about his child. The father could be taking out time from his day to share this moment with his child. The son, who is in his arms or lying on his lap, shares the father’s warmth. â€Å"And whom my body warms. † The father expresses how he has to give up himself in order for the son to be happy and healthy. â€Å"Your cries and hungers document/out bodily decay. Hall is saying when the child is hungry then he must get fed. As time goes on, the father gets older and the roles of father and son are reversed. The dedication has to be there for the parents to raise a happy and healthy child. The tone of this poem is a combination of happiness and darkness. The poem can be seen to have a happy tone that Halls shows well. He writes about the father acknowledging his child as his own. â€Å"My son. † Hall portrays happy images like a father wrapping his arms around his young child. â€Å"I take you in my arms. † The father also makes it known that his presence will live forever in his child.This means the father will always be with the child spiritually. On the other hand, t his poem can be taken in a direful tone. Right from the title, Hall throws a dreary feeling toward the reader. â€Å"My son, my executioner. † There are words that Hall uses in his poem that show a darker side. â€Å"And start to die together. † The reader could interpret these lines as some sort of sick meaning. This poem could either be taken in a happy tone or a dark tone. The main theme Hall is trying to express is that once a person has a child, their lives are changed forever.In the first line, â€Å"My son, my executioner,† is saying that once a child comes into the world, in a sense the parent’s life is taken away. Yet as morbid as that sounds, the parent’s life is made eternal through their child forever. The father knows his time is now focused on his son. There is a reversal of roles, as the child gets bigger and stronger, the father gets weaker and will die. â€Å"Sweet death, small son, our instrument/of immortality. † Another p roblem was that the parents had their child young. That day the child was born, their lives were changed and it will never be the same again. We twenty-five and twenty-two. † In conclusion, Donald Hall portrays a father who has grown old, holding their young child in their arms. . The way Hall used imagery, showed the reader a fatherly figure that gives up everything to care for his son. The tone of the poem was important because it let the reader know that the poem could be seen as happy or dark. The theme showed the readers that once they have a child, their lives are changed forever. â€Å"My Son, My Executioner† is a very well written poem with a deep, true meaning that readers, along with parents, could relate to.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Banking: an Ethical Dilemma? Essay

Introduction In this report, I plan to discuss the question Banking: An Ethical Dilemma? Within this is I will discuss ethical dilemmas in association with banking. I will firstly start by giving definitions of what is meant by the terms: Banking, Ethics, and Dilemma. From here, I will go on to identify what banks are and what the roles and importance are for the economy. Next, I will go on to explain banking operations and with this identification, I plan to then discuss the ethical dilemmas and show my opinion on the question ‘Banking: An Ethical Dilemma?’ I will then discuss any other issues unrelated to ethical dilemmas within the banking sector and with this; I plan to use references and facts to support my argument on the subject. Finally, I will identify my finding regarding the dilemma and try to conclude on whether banking is ethical. Main Body Firstly, ‘Banking’ can be defined as one of the key drivers of the economy. Banking provides a safe place to save excess cash, known as deposits. It also supplies liquidity to the economy by loaning this money out to help businesses grow and to allow consumers to purchase homes, cars and consumer products. Banks primarily make money by charging higher interest rates on their loans than they pay for deposits. ( ‘Ethics’ comes in many forms but can primarily be defined as the code or rules of moral principles that are set standards of good or bad, or right or wrong decisions, in personal conduct and therefore is a guide to the behaviour that is morally acceptable from a person or within a group or an organisation. Ethics effect moral decision made by people, and its main concern is what is good and though to be best for society. Siddiqui (2010) With this definition of ethics, ethical behaviour is very much a s it seems. The behaviour is used surrounding ethics. It is behaviour, which is seen to be accepted as good or bad, or right or wrong, within organisation rules and obligations and government laws. It is about being responsibly and acting in an honest and fair way taking into consideration whether the actions taken are affecting people in a way that would not be seen as ethical. ‘Business Ethics’ is the same aspects and contains the same issues of ethics and ethical behaviour but is put into a business context. This is deal with on a daily bases throughout every organisation in the world. Within this subject, business ethics is not just based on the organisation or employees but also to any customer that they may have. Many organisations have had their reputation tarnished with bad publicity due to the business ethics. This can be down to employment or how the organisation is ran, this can include poor working conditions, exploiting people or even down to low wages. Organisations that do not follow in business ethics can result in breaking the law that can lead to them being sued; the problem with this is that multi-million businesses can often afford to take a hit but never the less that is no excuse to disregard their ethical behaviour. Finally, the term ‘Dilemma’ can be defined as: a situation that requires a choice between options that are or seem equally unfavourable or mutually exclusive. ( Banks are seen in many forms, they primarily come in the following forms, which are Retail, Central, Investment, and Building Societies. The main purpose of a bank is to provide a safe place where people have confidence to deposit money. It is seen that banks are produced and ran by honest people. As well as storage of money, there are many other purposes to bank, but they are separated into individual banks and depends are on what form of bank they represent. Retail banks are otherwise known has commercial/high street banks, which customers use every day for goods and service links with their everyday tasks. They main roles are to provide a service to corporate, personal, and private banking to customers. This can include bank accounts for money storage, loans, credit car ds, mortgages, and saving as well as many more. Examples of these banks would be; HSBC, Lloyds TSB & NatWest. Central banks are the main bank within a national, and have many roles, which are vital in the economy. Central banks such as The Bank of England unlike retails banks are need to keep the economy financial stable. The Bank of England’s roles are to; set interest rates, create money supply, lender of last resort, they are the bankers bank and the place of settlement and they have to regulate these to provide paramount service for the economy. Investment banks are otherwise known as merchant banks. The main purposes of these banks are raising capital for customers, businesses or for the government. This can be achieved by providing services for mergers and acquisitions as well as propriety trading, foreign exchange. Unlike retail banks, investment banks do not take deposits, these banks run from taking equity. Building Societies are financial institutions, which mainly provide saving accounts and mortgages. Unlike other banks, building societies are mutual which means that their customer are members and can therefore receive information and attending meeting regarding the progress or alterations in operations and have a right to vote on the actions taken. Building societies are run by shareholders and have directors whose decision it is on the strategies taken. Banks have great importance within the economy, and without them, we would see a different world from the one we see today. â€Å"Although banks create no new wealth but their borrowing, lending and related activities facilitate the process of production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of wealth. In this way they become very effective partners in the process of economic development.† ( What do banks do? This is a question, which many people may be confused by. People deposit their money into a bank for feeling that it will be kept safe for them to collect at any time, when in reality when someone’s deposits money is to their account, the banks promptly lend the money out to another customer and in result creates a cycle. In fact, when a customer makes a deposit at a bank only an initial 8% is kept in banking funds, 90% of the deposit and lent out to another customer creating more profit for the bank. As well as accepting deposits banks also repay against written order, create account, lend money, render account, reasonable notice closer, maintain secrecy (Tourniers exception), interest and fees, set off, return cheques and pay against monies held. Although these are the main roles this is not an indication of the products and service which are provided by individual banks and may differ between them. Therefore, when looking into banking, where can we draw the line to say whether a bank is being ethical or not? I think the first factor, which needs to be pointed out, is that banks are businesses and therefore are out to make a profit, but how far will they go in succeeding this main objective and with this jeopardise their ethical values? So as previously stated the main purpose of the bank is to make a profit and to do this they have to provide service and sell products as such. The bank is required to make a profit to provide to the shareholders, and with this will increase the business and allow the business to grow and progress. Banks as businesses are not charities and therefore need to make a profit without making a profit banks would fail without input into finance and would therefore have to relate on government funding, which in turn would change banks from private businesses into national banks. With doing this then the government would have to get the funding from somew here to provide to the bank so this would most likely required an increase in taxes which would then cost people more money in do this. The problem with this is that without the private funding from customers then it would be possible for banks to fail which would create havoc with the economy. This would put more of the public’s money at risk, and could affect the circulation of money and without circulation the money, as we know it will lose value and will basically die out. If it were put into place that banks were made national this, this would mean that they would have to be more cautious and would take no risks in the services, which they provide. This would mean that people would not get the high interest returns on their account and saving which they believe that they should be entitled to but do not want any of the risk which is associated with this. For a bank to make a profit, they are required to use customer’s deposits and lend the money out to other investments. The percentage of the deposit, which is loaned out, can be seen to be risky and if customers were to find out this then they may be less inclined to deposit their monies. Is it unethical that a) Customers are not informed of this? Alternatively b) the percentage that is loaned out? This could be altered by giving the customer more information. Is 8% of a deposit a reasonable amount to keep or should it be higher. I think that if banks start reducing the percentage, which in turn would allow them to make more profit that this would be unethical and it is creating more risk to customer’s money and without guarantee that there is going to be 100% return rate. I think that if banks did lower the percentage, and did increase the money that could lend then this would influence banker’s decision on the ethical values if it were allowing them to make more profit for the bank and in turn increase any bonuses, which they would receive because of the extra profit. With this extra money, going back into circulation then this would create an increase in interest growth. Although this may be seen to be unethical, I think the main problem is the education of the public on this subject. Banker bonus is always high-level news in media, as people hear about these v ast bonuses and cannot understand where these amounts are coming from. It is my perception that why people hear about theses bonus that they believe that it is their money that is being used to fund the bonus that that everyone within the bank or the average banker is going to receive these bonuses when in reality it is actually very few who do. I believe that banker should be allow bonuses as without the work that they put into the banks then this would result is a fall within the economy, so in result I do not believe that these bonuses to be unethical. The Financial Services Authority otherwise known as the FSA is the regulatory of the UK’s financial services industry. This was set up by the government with the purpose to regulate the activities of financial services markets, exchanges, and businesses. All financial service must follow the standards, which have been put in place by the FSA; this has consequences if not followed. This can be used to show that a bank is being ethical as the FSA would be able to notice any unethical activities wi thin a bank and would then take action to correct this. The make act of unethical behaviour is using customers money to achieve personal ambition. This is using the money in a scene of greed and in result to boost ego. A good example of this would be Fred Goodwin. Fred Goodwin was the former chief executive of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS). His personal ambition was to build RBS to become one of the world largest banks. With the authority in his post, he created a bank that was more focused on selling the products and service than the fundamental service of banking and with the temptation to create more profit was building then this was just the beginning of the unethical behaviour. As a result of this RBS grew and quickly became one of the largest banks but within this growth it was not long before questions were raised regarding the ethical values of the banks. Following investigation, which was launched after whistle blowing if, was seen how unethical Fred Goodwin had been in running operations within the bank and promptly resigned from his post after RBS lost approximately  £25 Billion, which would be able to fund the NHS for two years. To date this is the biggest ever commercial lose in history. This is a key example of when the temptation of personal gain overrides ethical value. So is it ethical for a bank to fail? Banks are formed on trust, if it is seen that a bank has failed and has lost its money and funding would create mass panic. This was seen in previous years with Northern Rock. When as many banks in the past, Northern Rock went to the central Bank of England to ask for lender of last resort, but made public awareness and suddenly people started to panic that they money was not safe and wanted to withdraw the funds from the account. This soon resulted in the banks running out of money as the 8% per cent of deposits that was kept in storage soon ran out. Banks are now introducing ethic policies, this would allow the customer to gain a greater knowledge and insight into the bank on how they run ethical, and from here, and customers can evaluate them and from here make a decision on which bank to choose. The first bank to introduce they ethical policy was the co-operative bank back in 1992. From these policies, it allows a more transparent view into the bank and how it is ran. This can show information such as where customers deposits are loaded onto for example this money could be loaned onto a business that has poor environmental records, which you may feel strongly about and would rather not create funding for them. Is it possible for any bank to act ethically, as a principle they may all try to portray a positive image of the ethical values but with the key goal to make profit, how far is too far for ethicality before they can be criticised. There are banks with exception in which they actions may be seen to be unethical but in retrospect the are somewhat ethical. Rationalisation for unethical behaviour comes in four common forms; these are seen to be used to justify misconduct and other ethical dilemmas. They are: * Convincing yourself that the behaviour is not really illegal. * Convincing yourself that the behaviour is in everyone’s best interests. * Convincing yourself that nobody will ever find out what you’ve done. * Convincing yourself that the organisation will â€Å"protect† you. Schermerhon (2005) Ethical investment is another problem, which is often brought to the public eye. It has been said that investment bank should invest into smaller companies instead of mass-market organisation to create more business with the economy. As much as this can be seen to be ethical, the problem with this is that there is higher risk investing in smaller companies as there are not necessarily going to be successful and as a result create more risk of no return on initial investment. This could then result in the bank having to act more unethically to compensate for their actions. Conclusion Overall, within this assignment I have given definitions of banking, ethics, and what is a dilemma. From here, I went on to explain what is a bank, and the different types of banks and what they roles where and how they differed from each other. I then discussed banking operation and when onto discuss the ethical dilemmas within banking sector. After doing research I believe that in banking, it is very difficult to constantly stay ethical and it is so easy to fall for temptation to act unethically in either time of need or for personal gain. This can be done with minimal effort and sometimes without even notice. Ethics is incorporated in everyday life and is going to be constantly changing therefore I believe what is seen to be ethical could at some point be seen as unethical depending on the state of law. I have discovered that within all organisations there are constant uses of ethical behaviour both good and bad. Therefore, I believe that each organisation at some point will encounter a combination of the alternative ethical views. From analysing the ethical actions, I have concluded that even though some decisions and behaviours are seen to be unethical this does not necessarily mean that they are illegal. It is dependant of organisational procedures and government laws. Bibliography * (2010) Banking. [online] Available at [Accessed 1st April 2011] * Siddiqui, K. (2010) Lecture Hand-outs 6 – 8. * The Free Dictionary (2010) Dilemma. [online] Available at [Accessed 17th March 2011] * Blurtit (2010) What is the importance of the banks. [online] Available at [Accessed 18th March 2011] * Schermerhon, J.R. (2005) Management 8th ed. New York. John Wiley and Sons Inc. * Boatright, J.R (2008) Ethics in Finance. 2nd ed. Oxford. Blackwell Publishing. * Boartright. J.R (2000) Ethics and the conduct of business. 3rd ed. New Jersey. Prentice Hall, Inc. * Parkin, M., Powell, M., & Matthews, K. (2005) Economics 6th ed. London. Pearson Education Limited. * Co-operative (2011) Why we have ethical polices [online] Available at [Accessed 6th April 2011} * Bank of England (2011) About the Bank [online] Available at [Accessed 23rd March 2011]

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Functionalist vrs Marxist

Compare and contrast the Functionalist and Marxist explanations of the role of education in modern society? The functionalists and the Marxists both believe that the education system benefits everyone, but both have different views on society. The Marxist views of the education system are that there are conflicts because there is an inequality between the working class and the higher classes. They believe that there are two different classes which education produces, and that is the working class and the ruling class. The people who don't achieve good grades in school and who aren't very bright, will be known in society as the working class, and so won't have very good status jobs in society, and the people that do brilliantly in school and who are very intelligent are the ones who get good jobs and important jobs in society, so they are seen as the ruling class, which is above the working class. This theory that the Marxists has, is similar to the theory that the functionalists have, and that is that the education system could also be known as a role allocation. This is where a persons jo b is allocated to them through there grades from school, so if the person does well, then they will get a more important job, however if a person does not do that well, then the person will have a low status job in society. However, the functionalist's view of society is that it is meritocratic, which means that those who do well will achieve more in life and will receive rewards for their hard work, which fits in with the role allocation idea of those who do well in school, will end up having the better jobs in the adult world, and that the role of education benefits everyone equally. The Marxists believe that the role of education benefits the ruling class only, and that is where there is a difference between the two theorists. A functionalist named Durkheim believes that the education system introduces the importance of social solidarity in people... Free Essays on Functionalist vrs Marxist Free Essays on Functionalist vrs Marxist Compare and contrast the Functionalist and Marxist explanations of the role of education in modern society? The functionalists and the Marxists both believe that the education system benefits everyone, but both have different views on society. The Marxist views of the education system are that there are conflicts because there is an inequality between the working class and the higher classes. They believe that there are two different classes which education produces, and that is the working class and the ruling class. The people who don't achieve good grades in school and who aren't very bright, will be known in society as the working class, and so won't have very good status jobs in society, and the people that do brilliantly in school and who are very intelligent are the ones who get good jobs and important jobs in society, so they are seen as the ruling class, which is above the working class. This theory that the Marxists has, is similar to the theory that the functionalists have, and that is that the education system could also be known as a role allocation. This is where a persons jo b is allocated to them through there grades from school, so if the person does well, then they will get a more important job, however if a person does not do that well, then the person will have a low status job in society. However, the functionalist's view of society is that it is meritocratic, which means that those who do well will achieve more in life and will receive rewards for their hard work, which fits in with the role allocation idea of those who do well in school, will end up having the better jobs in the adult world, and that the role of education benefits everyone equally. The Marxists believe that the role of education benefits the ruling class only, and that is where there is a difference between the two theorists. A functionalist named Durkheim believes that the education system introduces the importance of social solidarity in people...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Chinese, Japanese, and Korean environmental activists use of Essay - 21

Chinese, Japanese, and Korean environmental activists use of Borderless Media - Essay Example From this study it is clear that the only information that is availed to the public in one way or the other is usually presented in scientific jargon as well as in technical reports aimed at making the environmental information incomprehensible to the media fraternity thus gagging their ability to spread the information throughout the public domain. A good as well as a practical example is indicated by the fact that the appraisal report, the evaluation report and the impact-assessment report of big projects like dams are normally treated by the national government as confidential and the same case applies to international loaning agencies that are funding these projects. According to the paper there are numerous unfolding difficulties that are faced by the activists and the media fraternity in their efforts to inform the public on issues facing the environment. These however does not deter the Asian environmental activists as well as the Asian group in stepping up their efforts of in forming the public on matters that are environmentally sensitive and which affect government decisions. According to Redclift, as the years go by the environmental issues are in one way or the other considered to be non-sensitive issues. This has changed the whole of reporting scenery of these issues as they are reported regularly thereby making them to be obvious. The Chinese local newspaper in particular has been under intense pressure from the government to refrain from critically reporting on issues that pertain to the environment.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 84

History - Essay Example The Continental Congress comprised of 13 American colonies and after some time the United States. The external pressures from France, England, and Spain played an integral role in the making of the United States in the sense that they were challenged by their success, as they were free from colonies. Therefore, the United States came up with the articles of confederation, which served as the first constitution. The Articles of Confederation even when they were not yet ratified provided international and domestic legitimacy to direct the American Revolutionary war by the Continental Congress (Berkin, 2012). Although ratified by the thirteen states the Articles were not sufficient, which led to the making of the United States Constitution that would govern all the states. However, Antifederalists opposed the ratification of the Constitution. They did not succeed as the Constitution was ratified in 1789 and was established as supreme law. The constitution was not sufficient enough as it was amended twenty-seven times where the first ten amendments are the bill of rights that are gi ven to every citizen in the United